NO VOX is a network of associations, movements and organizations, which effectively lead the social struggles on the ground. Founded during the first European Social Forum in Florence, the network became international when the first World Forum of Porto Alegre in 2003.

These resistance movements are composed of men and women who self-organize for the defense and implementation of the fundamental rights defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to give rise to new rights. These actors and actresses of civil society against exercise-power independently from the institutions and political powers.

The No Vox network facilitates and builds practical exchanges, analyzes and experiences of struggle against all forms of domination and social discrimination, economic, civic, academic, cultural, racial, sexual and patriarchal, up to and including the within the overall movement and network.
The No Vox network campaigning for self-organized movements of the poor, discriminated precarious have their place in the respect of their autonomy at major international, national and regional gatherings and are able to bring their field experiences, their claims, their alternatives analysis and proposals.
The No Vox network organizes international actions to support practical solidarity, support and promote the development of struggles Without their rights and new rights in an anti-capitalist perspective and against the repression they are subject.

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