Burkina Faso

#Mots-clés : Eviction, Land Grabbing, (Urban) Decentralization Dernière mise à jour le 7 June 2019

Contact persons in the networks : Fatima SORE / ZONGO President of the National Coalition for Housing (CNHa) | Receipt No. 2006-193/MATD/SG/DGCPAP/DOASOC of 25/04/2006 | 01 BP 3291 Ouagadougou 01 – Burkina Faso Tel: (+226) 76 62 59 36 | Tel: (+226) 50 30 52 12 – Tel: (+226) 70 77 20 00 |

This page has been translated with Google Translation




Burkina Faso is a Sahelian country and continental, is located in the heart of West Africa. Relatively flat, it covers an area of 274 200 km ² with an estimated population of 15,746,232 inhabitants (2009): 0-14 years: 47.5% 15-64 years: 49.59% + 65: 2, 91%. It shares borders with six countries are: Mali to the north and northwest, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Togo in South Benin to the south-east, and Niger to the east and north- is.

It is divided into 45 provinces forming 350 departments which are grouped into 13 administrative regions and includes several ethnic groups. The Mossi are the largest ethnic group (53%). Other important groups are the Fulani in the North (7.8%), the Gourmantchés in the East (7%), the South Gurunsi (6%), the Bissa (3%) and Samos (2%) Sénoufo (2.2%) the Markas (1.7%) and Bobo (1.6%). The official language is French. The main national languages Mooré (Mossi), Dioula, the Fulfulde (Fulani) and Gourmantchéma.


Burkina Faso is a country in the developing world. Agriculture accounts for 32% of gross domestic product and occupies 80% of the workforce.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita is $ 483 per year (2007 – Québec-Institute of Statistics). Third of the population lives below the poverty line that is to say.

Some mining products such as copper, iron, zinc, and especially gold exist there.

Burkina Faso is a member of the African Union (AU), the Economic Community of African States (ECOWAS) and the West African Monetary Union (WAMU).

Ouagadougou Airport Aerial View of Ouagadougou Ouagadougou Avenue



Burkina Faso is a country with low urban density. Indeed, the rate of urbanization is passed successively from 6.4% in 1975 to 12.7% in 1985 and 15.5% in 1996, 20.3% in 2006 and could reach 35% by 2026. It consists of 351 municipalities with 302 rural and 49 urban. The two main cities: Ouagadougou, the political capital that has more than a million and a half inhabitants and Bobo-Dioulasso, the economic capital with approximately 600,000 inhabitants. Other medium-sized cities are: Ouahigouya N’gourma Fada, Banfora, Koudougou, Dori and Orodara.

Urban development on the territory of Burkina Faso is the result of a historical evolution. Thus, there are four major periods in the development of the urban network in Burkina Faso: The pre-colonial and colonial periods, the period of independence in 1983, the period from 1983 to 1995 and from 1995 to the present day.

– Precolonial and colonial periods

Before colonization, the territory of the future Upper Volta and Burkina Faso now, cities have emerged gradually as the conquerors were set up before the first European contact in 1895.

This has led to the subdivision of the territory into political and economic entities administered by capitals with city functions. The level of equipment in administrative infrastructure, socio-economic or public health, as well as the political and administrative, commercial and socio-cultural cities represented for these people explain their existence and importance. Thus, on the central plateau, corresponding to the country moaga (Moogho or the Empire Moose) role was more political and administrative, while in the west and north of the territory it was more commercial and cultural.

There was therefore cities in Burkina Faso precolonial and the colonial relied on them to its domination. Accordance with the objectives of the colonizer, the urban configuration of these cities has been somewhat modified. The territory was divided into ten circles – in the center – that of Ouagadougou from which the control of the whole territory was assured. Circles were in turn organized into subdivisions and these cantons. Most cities precolonial chiefs became places where the circle was exercised colonial rule.

In terms of land policy, criticized the French colonial agrarian structures and traditional land ‘rights to maintain dark, dangerous for the credit and incompatible with the development. ” To encourage the development of land and induce economic development, introduced in the colonial French West Africa (AOF) by decrees of 24 July 1906 and 26 July 1932, the system of land registration system based on individualization of land rights of private property.

But Africans have shown little interest in the license, which led the colonizer to make changes to the text. Thus Oct. 8, 1925, the legislature had to intervene by a new decree to establish the regime of administrative certificate or as native land. It was a transitional regime between customary land tenure and registration system which recognized for the first time customary land rights. It also experienced a failure.

From the point of view of urban practices, it should be noted that spatial segregation has greatly influenced all actions for urban management: on one side there was the European city with all urban facilities, the other the native city without equipment and unhealthy, and between the two businesses.

In terms of housing production, the interventions of the colonial administration were limited to housing production function of principal officers.

– The time of independence in 1983

The country gained independence August 5, 1960, when the largest cities were Ouagadougou (60,000 inhabitants) and Bobo-Dioulasso (55,000 inhabitants). In 1975, according to the criteria used to define the city, there were five town centers: Ouagadougou (center), Bobo-Dioulasso (west), Koudougou (center-west), Ouahigouya (North) and Banfora (in the West).

Land policy, shared between the desire to develop as much land in its area of land and respect the customary law recognized the newly independent state regulated the land area by the law n ° 77-60/AN July 12 1960 while the law n ° 29-63 of 24 July 1963 authorized the Government to reserve for the State share of land covered by spatial arrangements or sparsely settled or remote settlements.

Regarding planning, several projects have been initiated on external funding, most of which have been experienced in Ouagadougou and some other urban centers. The period from 1960 to 1983 was marked by the launch of real estate development, with the construction of approximately two hundred (200) units of medium and large standing by real estate companies.

– The period from 1983 to 1995

In 1983, with the advent of revolutionary political regime, we witnessed a radical change in policy planning, urban planning and housing development in Burkina Faso. A law on agrarian and land reform to establish the sovereignty of the State over the land was developed and implemented. With the slogan “a household plot,” the authorities of the era of revolution adopted a policy developments with massive plot production, socio-economic housing, community facilities and sanitation as well. The price of rental housing were controlled rigorously to relieve households do not own. Ouagadougou, the capital, far larger village has undergone urban renewal. A special account entitled “Operating Account subdivision of urban and rural areas” has been created to support the financing of urban development operations. Fund habitat has also been created to support the efforts of the real estate development companies and certain categories of state employees for housing finance.

– The period from 1996 to today

The year 1996 was marked by a resumption of the process of decentralization in Burkina Faso interrupted since 1966. This process occurs in a context of economic liberalism with democracy where the state is gradually withdrawing sector housing production in favor of private property development.

With decentralization, local governments become major actors in the production and land management. However, the State has not waived its role as a developer, despite the absence of an overall strategy in the area of housing and urban development and inadequate legal framework. That is how major projects have been started at Ouagadougou in a context where the unsolved Minister in charge of the housing sector can not assert its political strategy developed. Some thoughts on the decentralization Site Governance Africa.

In 2006, with the creation of a full ministry of housing and housing bank, the adoption of the law code of urbanism and construction allow a revival of the housing sector and Planning. This is the beginning of urban development. This ministry has set up a database areas.




Since 1991 – Article 18 in the Constitution: Education, education, training, employment, social security, housing, sports, leisure, health, protection of motherhood and childhood, assistance to elderly or disabled persons and social cases, the artistic and scientific creation, are social and cultural rights recognized by this Constitution to promote. Source: CETIM (publication COHRE)

The lack of a single reference framework taking into account all of the housing sector and urban texts that legislating and regulating the sector experienced objective limits so far.


Many Burkinabe who built their homes, are excluded overnight from their homes. The State, for various reasons (highway construction, construction of a shopping center, …), makes clear out the population.

The country has already experienced many evictions:

  • The “Zaca” (comfortable house)
  • Neighborhood Ouaga 2000 which castles luxurious presidential palace Blaise Compaore gave way to shacks, slums first occupants
  • ROOD-WOKO (Grand Ouagadougou market)

This mode creates an expropriation growing misery. Neighborhoods, having a wave of evictions, are facing security problems, theft, poverty, disease … The Burkinabe government promises of compensation that are slow in coming and sometimes come after the death of the person concerned.

This finding is not ready to settle given the measures taken by the government: “Today a decree of the Government of Burkina Faso evictions advocates say swampy areas. These areas were inhabited by the flood disaster of September 1, 2010, and until now, people have not assisted or plots, continue to live there. These real victims have lost everything. There are thousands to occupy these places called wetlands. Since then, these people are trying to rebuild their lives in vain and they live in fear of eviction by the ministerial decree. ”

IAH Source: SANA Seni, president of the Coordination of Associations Boulmiougou


The Act of 23 May 1996 on Agrarian and Land Reform (RAF) and its implementing decree of 06 February 1997 constitute the legal framework of reference current land. They define the status of the land (urban land, rural land managed and unmanaged) and rules of occupation.

The RAF provides in its articles:

  • 3: “the national land area consists of all lands and buildings or similar goods referred to in Article 34 below located within the national territory and those acquired by the State and public authorities to abroad ”.
  • 4: “the national land is owned by the right state.”
  • 5: “certain lands of national land can be sold as private property to natural or legal persons under the conditions laid down in this law. Land so transferred shall cease to be the property of the State. ”
  • 6: “the State may expropriate for public purposes, under the conditions laid down in this Act.”
  • 62”the rural and urban land area of land allocated to individuals, regardless of sex or marital status and legal persons under the conditions laid down by the legislation in force.”

Security of tenure is guaranteed, with the RAF, by one of the following: the permit to live, a permit to operate, the order of assignment, stopped the provision, lease, title or title deed.

The acquisition of land can be made by assignment, by purchase or inheritance. Despite the number of existing plots, land speculation creates a shortage of building land, which forced most families to build their homes in areas that are not fortunate.



  • Homelessness
  • Joungpeople
  • Old people
  • Women


Social and economic aspects


– In areas not parceled

In 2003, 37% of households were unable to meet their basic needs basis. This predominantly rural poverty, concerns also the cities, real pole of attraction for young people from all regions of Burkina Faso where many are unemployed and therefore in precarious conditions. In Ouagadougou, these migrants converge on the outskirts of neighborhoods that are now under construction with hopes of land ownership, employability and family success. They are confronted with problems of education, employment, housing, health, social integration whose care requires, among other significant financial resources that the municipality alone can not provide.

In these neighborhoods are spontaneous, households often live in unsanitary conditions, without basic equipment and infrastructure (schools, primary care, drinking water, electricity, roads passable), but especially a sense of insecurity as possessing no official title guaranteeing occupation.

The population growth in these areas not parceled in recent years has forced the authorities to provide them with some basic social services such as schooling, health networks and drinking water.

In these areas not parceled, dwellings built so disordered materials are generally unsustainable (banco) because they can be destroyed in subdivisions, which deters interested in investment values even if they have the means.

Whenever there is a proposed subdivision of a district, we are witnessing the installation of newcomers who haphazardly built makeshift homes. The land becomes an object of speculation, a true economic capital very profitable. In principle, land management is the responsibility of one state, but in practice, stakeholders such as landowners and / or chiefs, speculators (traders …) seeking monetary gains resulting from the sale or resale of plots to applicants are taken into account.

The number of available plots are always lower than the number of applicants, after duties, are obliged to vacate unlucky to move elsewhere, contributing to urban sprawl.

Owning his residence is a major aspiration for every household in Burkina Faso, as illustrated by this well-known maxim of the Central Plateau “sleep under the roof or on the mat of others, or is sleeping outside on the ground.” Indeed, most households are homeowners: 81.2% for the whole country, 93.4% of rural households and 59.7% of urban households. In the central region which is the capital Ouagadougou, 11.5% of households owned 36.9% are rental sales and 39.5% as operating leases. In the region of Bassins with Bobo-Dioulasso place as head, 9.2% of households owned 25.6% in sales and 22% of rental leases.

– Parceled into areas

Parceled into zones, residents attribute plots are making efforts to build a sustainable housing with suitable materials. But the vast majority of households do not have sufficient income, can not resort to private and built her own home. Thus, they are faced with the very high cost of construction materials (cement, iron, sheet aggregates …), some of which are subject to taxes. The main mode of housing production is self-construction (90%). Currently, a study is about to be conducted at the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development to help low-income households to self-construction so they have decent housing.

In Burkina Faso, according to the General Census of Population and Housing of 2006 (RGPH 2006), the units are in their majority standing low (42.1%) and at least 15% are indecent. According to place of residence, luxury homes are located in urban areas, those of mid-class are represented in rural areas (45.9%) than urban areas (31.7%).

In the past, housing development was organized by the state through the establishment of housing finance mechanisms such as the Housing Fund, established since 1986, to support the efforts of companies and in the field. Traders, government corporations, banks and insurance companies were also requested in the housing finance and housing. Thus, plots were identified, and the homes were built and made available to the public in the form of leases or hire purchase. Unfortunately, their high cost makes it accessible not only to the wealthy who are a minority. Currently, the companies of the State in this area are: the National Society of Development of Urban Land (SONATUR) and the Centre for Management of Cities (CEGECI) is the body responsible for the implementation of government policy in access to adequate housing and to manage missions cities built by the state and also to build housing. But the state is in the process of disengaging from production in favor of real estate developers such as private company Aziz Real Estate (AZIMMO), the Real Estate Company and Mobiliar Burkina Faso (SIMOB), Real Estate Agency CAP, etc. GELPAZ-IMMO. which are not of their social concern.

Confront the demand for ever increasing housing by young professionals, the state is currently engaged in the production of housing in some cities across the country, some local materials. The project Promotion Agency of Local Materials Construction Project (LOCOMAT) who did research on the production and use of local building materials, has set up a knowledge and various skills for their proper operation.

On the phenomenon of rent, it contributes to the absorption of inadequate housing and now grows in large cities such as Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso. Then there is speculation that raises the cost of housing excessively due to non enforcement regulating and controlling rents. Thus, many tenants live in indecent conditions and are subject to the whims of donors that increase rental fees at any time, without thinking of cashing money to offer them any comfort, that the National Coalition for Housing denounces at every opportunity.

Recognizing that sustainable human development of a country also requires a fair and transparent management of land and decent housing for its population, Burkina Faso, through its Ministry of Housing and Urban Development has developed a national policy housing and urban development with a plan of action 2009-2018 whose implementation began with among others the construction and allocation of housing to certain applicants.




Cultural aspects – Religious – Symbolic

In the past, traditional authorities were the sole possessors of land management. Indeed, among all ethnic groups in Burkina Faso, the land chief, the closest descendant of the first occupant is responsible for the administration of property assets of the clan or family name and on its behalf. To this end, he distributed land to families, households and individuals according to their needs. As an intermediary between the living, the dead parents and invisible owners of land occupied, it performs the sacrificial rites required for installation of a stranger. Nowadays, in almost all the national territory, the chiefs are regarded as mere legal personalities, we consult, as appropriate, in urban operations.

– Traditional accommodation in Burkina Faso

Traditionally, villages in Burkina Faso are built by the inhabitants themselves as a community. From architectural point of view, there are the three major Burkina Faso:

Figure 5 Moosses Habitat Figure 6 Fulani Habitat Figure 7 Lobi-Dagara Habitat
  • Concessions arranged around a central courtyard, includes buildings and land forms circular conical straw roofs. This type of habitat is found in the Moose (the Centre and the Central Plateau), the Bissa (east-central), the Gourmantché (Eastern), the Senufo, the Goins and Turkas (Cascades region) with shades according to ethnicity.
  • North, in the Sahelian zone, concession bella, peulhe and Tuareg is composed of several round huts 3 to 6m in diameter clustered around a common area generally not enclosed. These boxes completely built with branches and straw or plant fibers woven or braided reveal their temporary nature, these ethnic groups are nomadic. This temporary housing adapted to middle and high heat tends to disappear as more and more nomads become sedentary and adopt habitat ethnicity middle where they settled.
  • To the west and south we encounter concessions in the form of mazes with orthogonal shapes buildings built in the ground with flat roofs in argamasse (mixture of wood, branches, twigs, soil, water and cow dung). Some of these buildings are topped by a floor or a terrace accessible, possibly resulting precautions that people should take against potential enemies. This type of habitat is found in Bobo, Senufo, Lobi, Dagara, Marka, Bwa, Songhraï.
  • In most urban areas of Burkina Faso in Ouagadougou and in particular, there are three types of self-built housing:
  1. The habitat consists of popular buildings built rectangular shapes on the floor of mud or cement blocks and corrugated iron covered with 1, 2 or 3 pieces. They are usually found in undeveloped areas, some areas newly surveyed and in old neighborhoods in developed areas.
  2. The habitat consists of mid-class villas F3 or F4 made cement blocks and covered with sheets;
  3. The habitat consists of luxury villas with one or two levels, cement blocks with roofs several slopes or slab type F4 minimum.
Figure 8 Gourounsi Habitat Figure 9 Habitat in non-subdivided Figure 10 modern housing

– Religious aspects

Burkina Faso is a secular country, the acquisition of plots of worship use is left to the initiative of different religious communities. This is how houses of worship erected on land reserves or parcels for residential use by religious communities whose framework is based on their financial resources and dynamism.

Environmental aspects

Commodities in which households live are discussed in this section. It is essentially the supply of drinking water, sources of energy for lighting and cooking, the type of ease of disposal of garbage and sewage.

– Method of supplying drinking water

The supply of drinking water to populations is recognized as a priority both in the city and in the field, but the problem remains. According RGPH 2006, Burkina Faso 58% of households have access to drinking water, but 40.7% still drink water of questionable quality. Compared to 1996, there was a marked improvement showing that the government’s efforts have borne fruit. But much remains to be done especially in rural areas where only 48.4% of households have access to drinking water.

– Mode main lighting

Lighting the oil lamp is predominant whatever place of residence considered: 71.3% rural and 56.2% urban. In urban areas, 39% of homes are connected to the grid and in rural areas 17% of households use the flashlight to light. Compared to the 1996 results, there have been efforts by the government have been positive. Indeed, to allow the maximum number of households connected to the electricity grid, the national electricity company has reduced the cost of the parallel connection and the government subsidized the price per kilowatt hour. Despite this, the proportion of households connected to the grid at the national level remains very low (10.8%) because the cost is still high for a low-income household. Solar energy is an alternative source of energy not fully exploited in Burkina Faso. Solar panels are increasingly used in different localities.

– Energy source for cooking

There are close links between energy and sustainable development. In Burkina Faso, the wood and its by-product, coal is the main source of domestic energy. In fact, 91.8% of households use to cook food. Other energy sources are barely used: gas 4.7%, oil 0.3%, electricity 0.1%. Note that in order to preserve the environment, the government subsidizes gas prices and associations working in the field of environmental conduct awareness campaigns in urban and campaign for the use of improved stoves to to get households to reduce the consumption of wood.

These data show that Burkina Faso can not achieve Goal 7 (Target 9) MDG is to halve by 2015 the number of households using solid fuels. Efforts still need to be done at all levels to conserve the environment and effectively fight against desertification.

– Type ease

In Burkina Faso, most households do not have adequate sanitation. Many households, especially in rural areas, using nature as a place of ease. Thus, 64.1% of households in need their nature, 30.7% use simple latrines and 3.4% are modern sanitary flushing. These figures can be explained by the very high cost of flushing water and latrines. Awareness campaigns on the use of latrines are conducted across the country. The Prime Minister has asked each minister to build latrines in its place of origin and many of them did.

– Mode of household waste disposal

The population explosion, especially the rapid growth of cities, had many negative impacts on nature and resulted in unprecedented damage, including:

  • pollution of the air, water, food etc.. by industrial and other chemical processes;
  • Proliferation of so-called banal waste (paper, cardboard, plastic bottles and bags …), which are found everywhere, in both urban and rural areas in the administrative units as in industrial, household and so on. The consequences of such an inconvenience are a multitude of health problems. Thus, more than 50% of medical consultations (medical) are currently linked to unsanitary conditions.
  • Solid waste: in most cases, garbage are thrown at random on dunghill (dumps) or in the streets and disposal is a major problem in large urban centers. In order to improve the management of solid waste, the municipality of Ouagadougou has developed a Master Plan for Waste Management (SDGD) which led to the construction of a Centre for Treatment and Recovery of Waste (CTVD) functional since April 15, 2005. The CTVD is responsible for the burial of solid waste (garbage, hazardous industrial waste and biomedical) and recovery of solid waste (composting and recovery of plastic). The municipality is assisted in the recovery of solid waste by women’s associations. The cleanliness of the main arteries of the city of Ouagadougou is ensured also by women’s groups called “Green Brigade” that swept at least twice a week and it has earned the town several regional and international. Urban municipalities have followed suit Ouagadougou but timidly.
  • Liquid waste: most households live in dwellings Burkinabe not have any sanitation; dirty water is usually thrown into the street (40.2%) or in the yard (39.3%), 5 6% of households throw in septic and 1.1% use wells.

Actors of civil society & social movements

In Burkina Faso, there are officially about eighty-nine (89) associations and two hundred and forty (241) Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society organizations (source: Permanent Secretariat of Non Governmental Organizations (SPONG) edition 2010). Besides these, there are organizations that have not yet of legal recognition (receipt).

The areas in which these associations, NGOs and CSOs are diverse and varied and are grouped into 13 sections by SPONG:

  • Gender and development;
  • Decentralization and sustainable development;
  • Education, training and employment;
  • Human rights, peace and citizenship;
  • Health, HIV and AIDS;
  • Environment and adaptation to climate change;
  • Humanitarian assistance and disaster relief;
  • Food sovereignty and the fight against hunger;
  • disability;
  • Drinking water, sanitation;
  • Decentralized cooperation;
  • International cooperation;
  • Social and Solidarity Economy.

Currently, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development could identify among these nineteen (19) associations working in the field of housing and urban development, among which we can mention: the National Coalition for the Habitat (CNHa) Solidarity Association for the Right to Housing (ASP / DROL), the Network Information and Communication for Health and Water and Sanitation.

It should be noted that decentralization developments and operations across the country have contributed to the emergence of grassroots communities and civil society in the field of housing and urban development acting against forced evictions and for more transparent management of urban land. Thus, in areas not parceled, parceled new or old neighborhoods where residents must clear out, we are witnessing the birth of the “residents’ associations”, the “crisis committees” sometimes supported by NGOs such as the Burkinabe Movement for Human Human and Peoples’ Rights (MBDHP) denouncing the eviction operations, especially require transparent plots.

These associations also mobilize people on the daily lives of their neighborhood including issues of improving the quality of life (health, construction bornesfontaines …), development projects (mobilization and sensitization of the residents in the case of a campaign vaccination, street children etc.).. However, most of them encounter various difficulties among which we can mention the lack of space to house their seats especially those who do not hold securities of legal recognition, inadequate:

  • Funding and support;
  • Qualification of members of certain associations;
  • Communication between organizations working in the same field;
  • Transparency in the management of funds (embezzlement of contributions for personal use).

The National Coalition for Housing (CNHa) encounters the same difficulties as his peers.

To achieve the overall objective, the following specific objectives have been identified:

  • At the national level, to ensure the implementation of policies promoting access to land and housing for the disadvantaged in general, for women in particular;
  • Act as a pressure group for the rights of homeless, poor and inadequate housing;
  • Between members create opportunities for exchange of information and experience on issues of housing and land;
  • · Collect and publish information about the municipal action and public action in relation to human settlements;
  • Strengthen the capacity of members in their respective areas of intervention;
  • Develop a close collaboration between the National Coalition for Housing (CNHa) and national authorities to resolve the problems of housing and land;
  • Facilitate communication, information and sharing of experiences in the field of housing and land with other national and international associations.

The National Coalition for Housing is a member:

  • National Council of Urban Planning and Construction, D
  • Monitoring Committee of the Programme Urban / Burkina Faso in partnership with Cities Alliance and UN-Habitat;
  • The organizing committee of the World Habitat Day in partnership with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development

Some activities

The National Coalition for Housing:

  • Conducts awareness and advocacy of people, political and traditional authorities on land and housing;
  • Has a clinic in which land management has been entrusted to the Association for the Right to Sidpawaldé housing member CNHa;
  • Facilities offer small loans to women for their income-generating activities by Mutualité Women and Development, a member of the financial structure CNHa.

Bibliography & Sitography

  1. Ministère de l’Habitat et de l’Urbanisme (mars 2008) « Politique Nationale de l’Habitat et du Développement Urbanisme ».
  2. Institut National de la Statistique et de la Démographie (INSD) (octobre 2009) « Recensement Général de la Population et de l’Habitation (RGPH-2006). Analyse des résultats définitifs thème 10 : Ménages et Habitations ».
  3. Institut National de la Statistique et de la Démographie (INSD) (octobre 2009) « Recensement Général de la Population et de l’Habitation (RGPH-2006). Analyse des résultats définitifs : Rapport de synthèse des rapports d’analyse ».
  4. Groupe de Recherche et d’Action sur le Foncier (GRAF) « Politiques foncières et développement durable : les voies de l’élargissement de débat ».
  5. Actes des Journées Nationales du Foncier, Ouagadougou, le 30 novembre- 1er décembre 2001.
  6. Centre d’Analyse des Politiques Economiques et Sociales (CAPES), Réseau de Gestion des Connaissances au Burkina (RGC-B) « Etat des lieux des savoirs locaux au Burkina Faso : Ethnobotanique et médecine traditionnelle; Pratiques et systèmes culturaux; Ethnozoologie et santé animale; Habitats, matériaux locaux et énergie; Artisanat, art du feu et pratiques funéraires ».
  7. Centre d’Analyse des Politiques Economiques et Sociales (CAPES), Réseau de Gestion des Connaissances au Burkina (RGC-B) (semestriel N°001-2006) « Connaissances pour le développement ».
  8. Cities Alliance (Cities without Slum) (août 2012) « Etat des lieux sur l’urbain et positionnement du Programme-Pays Urbain du Burkina Faso (PPUB), rapport ».
  9. Commune de Ouagadougou (mai 2007) « Etude diagnostique de l’agglomération de Ouagadougou ».
  10. Ministère de l’Habitat et de l’Urbanisme (décembre 2010) « Etude pour un dispositif d’assistance à l’auto- construction au Burkina Faso ».
  11. Ministère de l’Habitat et de l’Urbanisme (février 2012) « Appui à la consolidation des systèmes de gestion des déchets solides à Ouagadougou ».



International Coalition for Housing – CNHa:

  • For each Burkina Faso: A Habitat decent life in a frame eco-citizen, without Poverty for a Sustainable Development in a World of Peace and Brotherhood human.
  • Former residents and associations on the right to land ownership;
  • popularize instruments and information tools on the right to land ownership.
  • Establish and manage housing cooperatives.


  • NATIONAL COALITION FOR HABITAT: Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The National Coalition for Habitat’s mission is to protect the right to adequate housing through campaigns, national and international activism, community development and establishment of facts. These campaigns focus on the struggle for rights to land and housing, and the correlation between this fight and the activities of business and society itself. The aim of the National Coalition for Housing is the defense and implementation in Burkina Faso and elsewhere of human rights related to land and housing. The overall objective is to promote the continued emergence of popular consciousness on issues of housing and land.
  • COORDINATION OF ASSOCIATION Boulmiougou: network Novox Burkina Faso: No Vox Network
  • ASP-DROL: Solidarity Association for the Right to Housing. This association fights for anyone regularly installed in Burkina Faso have access to decent housing, land and basic services. Website
  • GRET BURKINA FASO: nonprofit working in international network brings together professionals and Cooperative Development. In Burkina Faso, they include projects on agribusiness, natural resource management and strengthening of local authorities (and associations). Representation in Burkina Faso: WebsiteContact them.
  • ARGA / BURKINA: Burkinabe law association, apolitical, secular and non-profit whose mission is to mobilize the actors on the issue of governance for the development and implementation of proposals for change in the effective management of business public ownership and social governance. Link to website Governance Africa.
  • NAMANEGB-ZANGA: social movement fighting for the right to housing and neighborhoods against the demolitions, evictions and expropriations people. Video made by No Vox network for access to plots and against expuslsions.