Legal Aspects
Video FRAPRU about housing’s right in Quebec (Introduction of the movie “Au pied du mur” : Intro of the movie
- The Homeless Hub. Among the problems related to housing rights must be raised that the people in mental distress who find themselves inadequately housed or on the street because they can not be housed continuously in childcare or maintain housing in view of their difficulties. An interesting initiative is the one developed by the CHRN, The Homeless Hub of collecting throughout the country information from various sources. The following video illustrates the problem of housing for these people in mental distress: Projet Health Commission mental in Canada.
MILTON PARK Community in Montreal. This is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Montreal, marked by urban regeneration in the 70’s. The people rallied in creating the Milton Park, which aims to protect the neighborhood, as well as own and control buildings through a cooperative approach governed by a condominium association. At the time, TRG helped co-ops up: it was formed Technical Resource Groups financial consultants, notaries, lawyers and architects. These formed the TRG inhabitants. this cooperative has initiated many others in Canada. The site of the Milton Park Community: http://www.miltonparc.org – this initiative is also explained in the booklet on Social Production of Habitat conducted by urbamonde: http://urbamonde.org/site/sites/urbamonde.org/files/Brochure%20PSH%2002_WEB.pdf
Social and economic aspects
Until the 90s, the Canadian government is investing heavily in social housing, offering multiple possible support: public housing – non-profit housing – housing cooperative – program for rural and native (in urban areas). .. But that time is over: not only the social character of new housing creation programs stopped (late 1993), but the existing fleet is old and sometimes unsafe.
In 2014, the Canadian Association of Housing and Renewal Association (CHRA) utters a cry of alarm and proposes to rethink social housing so that it continues to exist in the future, including for households with very low income. The stated goal is to make it self-sufficient and entrepreneurial sector.
- The small community projects (cooperatives type) have been supported in the past. However, size does not allow for economies of scale in terms of management and governance, especially if these projects have a willingness to mix of housing types. A reconciliation of social housing companies is proposed.
- Establish rents according to household income has ultimately deter use. that formula should only be applied to more precarious. We need to invent other ways of calculating rent for less insecure households to encourage employment discount.
- Mixed income is essential for both social diversity for a financial balance of companies. Otherwise, they will remain dependent on public funds.
- Create a capital renewal funds, “3R” to pay for repairs, replacements and repairs which are necessary.
- Create an account affordability for low-income households, with special provisions related to specific needs (based on target populations and territories).
- Enable the sector to make transformation initiatives to help increase innovation and self-reliance. This is, for example, to allow them to generate revenue through the rental of commercial space or creating other services or companies.
Source: CHRA CHRA – “Housing for All: maintaining and renewing social housing for low-income households” – 2014. CANADA, THE CASE FOR PUBLIC HOUSING REINVEST IN RENOVATE AND HOUSING IN CANADA BECOME DILAPIDATED
Cultural aspects – Religious – Symbolic
Environmental aspects
Bibliography & Sitography
For people with disabilities:
- Social housing at affordable low prices;
- Financing of islets for customers who made this life choice;
- Increased investment in the supplement to housing for people with disabilities;
- Amount for the supplement provided housing and related to the person, regardless of the region in which it chooses to live;
- Financing of home adaptation to the real cost;
- Elimination of waiting times for home adaptation;
- Equipment provided in the home adaptation program related to the person and not to housing;
- Harmonization of rules and home adaptation programs.
- municipalities (districts) apply their regulations on safe prompt, sustained and rigorous.
- municipalities (counties) further inform their residents about the Regulations.
- the regulations provide for fines sufficient to motivate homeowners to correct breaches of the Regulations.
- municipalities (counties) establish standardized time to correct each violation.
- municipalities (counties) issue systematically, as appropriate, statements of offense
- municipalities (counties) provide for coercive measures in its Regulation (such as issuing multiple of offense when necessary, carrying out the work instead, expropriations, etc.)
- that inspectors are trained effectively and receive the right tools to better identify and evaluate the presence of mold.
- inspectors inspect buildings rather than housing alone whom the complaint
- municipalities (counties) in partnership with housing committees and tenants associations, set up a preventive inspection program.
- municipalities (counties) call letters of the building’s tenants informing them of the opening and closing of a folder under the Regulations.
- In addition, tenants are advised es of any notice of non-compliance and deadlines for correcting violations;
- As inspection reports available to tenants on request in service points in their municipality (district).
- municipalities (counties) to adopt measures to counter the loss of rental housing and the conversion to condos.
- the prohibition of eviction for expansion, subdivision or change of use. The municipal elected representatives should commit to bring this claim to the provincial government.
- municipalities (counties) tightening the criteria for licensing. Municipalities (districts) shall refuse to grant a permit to expand, subdivide or change of assignment if: 1) The vacancy rate comparable units (studio, one bedroom, two bedrooms, three bedrooms) is equal to or less than 3% in the municipality or district; 2) The rent for officers is at or below the average rent for comparable housing in the municipality or district for the past 5 years.
- that municipalities adopt regulations to prohibit the condo conversion divides
- that elected officials in Montreal waive their override authority to have a real moratorium
- that elected officials put pressure on the provincial government for a ban on conversion in undivided.
- asks elected officials to support the introduction of a compulsory and universal rent control to curb abusive increases and protect the right to security of tenure for tenants.
ROOFTOPS CANADA / Rooftops = organization is international in development programs of cooperative housing and social housing. It organizes sessions for capacity building of local actors in different countries. In particular, they have specific actions on the link – AIDS Housing, urban growth and food security, housing rights and governance. Urban agriculture is also heavily promoted their life organization. website FR/ENG – contact.
ARCHITECTS OF EMERGENCY = Foundation has its headquarters in France – Switzerland – Australia and Canada and brings his expertise to the disaster victims. It is specifically a double action field : Emergency action is to measure the risks to populations in order to reach safety, particularly at the building – a reconstruction effort following the disaster (reconstruction of the building – relocation of displaced persons) for the sake of training and use of local products. website – contact
THE HOMELESS HUB = Following the conference on homelessness in 2005, the Homeless Hub project started in 2007. This is a research library and an information center on the Web. It presents the advances in the use of technology to enhance knowledge mobilization and networking. This site is very collaborative in that everyone (social worker , researcher, …) can deposit information. website – contact.
CANADIAN HOMELESSNESS RESEARCH NETWORK – CHRN = Canadian Research Network homelessness bringing together Canadian researchers working on homelessness. It brings together nonprofit organizations and government departments. their aim is to show that research can and should inform decisions to contribute to long-term solutions to fight against homelessness. They run among other Homeless Hub. website] – [[amarsolais@edu.yorku.ca|contact.
PEOPLE IN FRONT OF ACTION URBAN REDEVELOPMENT – FRAPRU = national association for the right to housing. FRAPRU is also active in urban development, the fight against poverty and promotion of social rights issues. It currently has nearly 150 member groups. website
CONFEDERATION QUEBEC HOUSING COOPERATIVE = The Quebec co-operative housing movement allows 27,500 Quebec households of finding adequate housing, affordable. This formula is a promising alternative for meeting the housing needs of more and more people, whatever their revenus. http://www.cooperativehabitation.coop/
SOLIDARITY NETWORK ROAMING QUEBEC = key player in the prevention and the fight against homelessness in Quebec, RSIQ has 13 regional consultations roaming and ten associate members representing approximately 370 organizations working daily on the field with people in difficulty in different regions. The RSIQ is that the situation is improving for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness, through advocacy, representation and mobilization. http://www.rsiq.org/
HOUSING ACTION = Action Housing is a non-profit organization assisting individuals and families with modest incomes to obtain and maintain an adequate and safe housing. http://action-logement.ca/fr/Accueil/tabid/89/Default.aspx
HOUSING OPEN DOORS = A roof opens doors is a multi-year campaign that aims to prioritize the issue of affordable housing in Ontario. Conducted by the Association of Non-Profit Housing Ontario (ONPHA), the campaign relies on widespread support, both landlords and tenants, organizations in the public good, business partners and concerned individuals like you . http://www.housingopensdoors.ca/index.php?lang=fr
THE FRIEND COTTAGE = The Friend House is a community temporary accommodation center working with people facing difficulties related to social exclusion and homelessness. In partnership with local organizations, it provides services without prejudice, in respect and human dignity, promoting a process of social integration. http://www.legiteami.org/
PEOPLE IN FRONT OF ACTION URBAN REDEVELOPMENT – FRAPRU = The Popular Action Front in urban renewal is a national association for the right to housing. FRAPRU is also active on urban development issues, fight against poverty and promotion of social rights. He is currently made up of some 155 member groups. http://www.frapru.qc.ca/
CENTRE FOR EQUALITY RIGHTSIN ACCOMMODATION – CERA = the only organization in Canada dedicated to promoting human rights in housing and tries to end discrimination in housing. CERA does this work through public education, research, law reform, human rights, and specific aspects of international law and the mechanisms related to human rights. http://www.equalityrights.org/cera/