History of Towns- Heritage
Urban Habitat
Rural Habitat

The Din (Lit)« House of the people » are traditional dwellings witch can be divided into two categories : the nōka ( reads) « farms » …
Right to Lodging
Forced Eviction
- Housing and Land Rights Violation Database in each country (Housing and Land Network – HIC): http://hlrn.org/welcome_violation.php#.VD-IVCi7_vQ
- Zero Evictions Campaign (International Alliance of Inhabitants): http://www.habitants.org/zero_evictions_campaign
Land Law
Land Grabbing
- Data sets on agricultural land grabbing in the world (GRAIN): https://www.grain.org/bulletin_board/entries/4429-new-data-sets-on-land-grabbing
- The Online Public Database on Land Deals – Global Observatory (Land Matrix): http://landmatrix.org/en/
Vulnerable Groups
- Old people
- Young People
- Women
Some Interesting Practices
Housing Market
Ground has acquired such a value to construct, compared to him, So it is with no pity that they are destroyed. Japanese towns have been practicing for a long time and it’s so without qualms that we destroy them. Japanese cities practice long architectural amnesia; the memory of the past takes other forms, such as the vibrant atmosphere of festivals and popular festivals (matsuri) or the proliferation of tiny (inarijinja) Shinto altars that brighten their vermilion colour areas. In Tokyo, Buddhist temples and shintos shrines retain a traditional look for most, although they have been repeatedly moved and rebuilt, the civilian heritage has almost entirely disappeared. Only certain luxurious hotels and some defined Club of the Keiretsuhave conserved some rare works of from the days of Meiji and Taisho. This architectural heritage was destroyed during the catastrophic earthquake, then the bombings done by the Americans, but it is thanks to the constant rehabilitation works that the threats disappeared.
Quality of Lodging
Informal Habitat / Slum / Homeless
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xc6XjhsXCbk] | |
Homeless in Japan (No-Vox Network) |
Video from NO VOX
Japan, which is one of the richest countries in the world, is faced with serious problems of homelessness. |
It is only in 2009 that the government of Japan did accept that there was poverty in Japan. Before nothing like that existed and there was no statistic to that. The poverty rate nevertheless stood at 16%, which is somehow high for industrialised countries.
In the years 90, there were Japanese workers who worked for the government but never benefited from any social security. They lost their jobs and their lodgings because of the economic crises because till this time, the employers were the ones providing lodgings to the workers.
In the years 1995, 500 tents in carton could be found and many homeless persons (about 500) in many travel agencies in Tokyo but in 1996 all the tents were all dismissed by the government of Tokyo. But since it was not possible to be poor in Japan before 2009 it was the fault of the people who were found guilty and received no aid from the population of Japan.
People did construct their tents in public parks. They had the spirit of brotherhood. Before we didn’t think it was possible to come up with an association of the unemployed or the homeless. Therefore we decided created one of such a kind for us. Before we never thought we could resist when the police chased away the homeless from public parks but the French movements did show us that we should resist against expulsions until we obtained something. Last year in 2012 a militant did call the police killers as they sent away the homeless from a park in the heart of winter. He was arrested by the police of course. But just belonging to an international network (NO VOX) did permit him to get help and was no longer isolated.
Source: video FSM Tunis NO VOX
Social Habitat
Lodgings that are provided by the social regional services and some public enterprises are called «social lodgings». Concerning people with low revenue but are in need of a lodging, there exists lodgings at affordable rates. These social lodgings are distributed by the National authorities, municipal and public enterprises, There exists many types of social lodgings namely, amongst which, the national social lodgings, municipal and the UR (An agency for urban renaissance.). Only those recommended can benefit from these lodgings. The benefits of the national social lodgings provided by the regional social services do intervene four times yearly. (January, April, July and October) The list of their offers is available in the various municipalities. The offers are published in a municipal newspaper, travel agencies as well as well as associations in well known neighbourhoods. (3)
Bibliography & Sitography
- Natacha Aveline, “Tôkyô, métropole japonaise en mouvement perpétuel”, CNRS 2006. Site Internet GEOCONFLUENCES : http://geoconfluences.ens-lyon.fr/doc/typespace/urb1/MetropScient3.htm
- Source : video FSM Tunis de NO VOX
- Site : http://www.clair.or.jp/e/index.html
Major Problems
Major Claims or Demands
Some Actors from Social Movements
NOJIREN = Association of homeless. Japanese Association of homeless people who fight for the right to housing and access to social rights for people on the street.. Website